THE EFFECT OF BUSINESS MOTIVATION, ABILITY, AND CREATIVITY ON UMKM PERFORMANCE (The Case of Convection and Doll UMKM) ABSTRAK The performance of UMKM is a very important part to achieve the goals of a business. Given the large influence of business motivation, ability, and creativity on the performance of UMKM, it is proper for business actors to pay attention to their business motivation, abil…
Pengunjung terhadap suasana toko (exterior, interior, layout dan interior display) dan keputusan pembelian di Kedai Abba Tajur Kota Bogor. Tujuan penelitian ini juga untuk melihat pengaruh suasana toko (exterior, interior, layout dan interior display) secara parsial dan simultan terhadap keputusan pembelian di Kedai Abba Tajur Kota Bogor. Objek dan lokasi penelitian ini yaitu pengunjung Kedai A…