Vi cards media is feasible to developed and implemented to teach vocabulary to 7th grade junior high school students. This can be seen with the results of media validation by 3 experts and the results of students responses towards Vi cards media uses.
The results of this study indicated that the media developed process was going quite well, as shown in the average acquisition of the validation results, which shows that it was in the feasible category. Moreover, positive responses were obtained using flashcards based on the questionnaire of teachers' and students' responses in the preliminary field test and the main field test. Meanwhile, the…
Penelitian menggunakan literature study, membandingkan dengan 2 skripsi yang memiliki judul relevan, penelitian menghasilkan hasil yang cukup memuaskan pada tes skala kecil
The learning media in the form of a descriptive text module has a feasibility of 87.96%, it means that the learning media is very valid to use
Pop up digital based media was developed using ADDIE model, research method is R&D. Get the result from validation 85%, from student response 79%, and from teacher response 86%
The process of picture media development has conducted in designing text, pictures, printing, and finishing. The feasibility test on picture media was carried out by validator I and validator II. Teacher's and students responses have been carried out using a questionnaire instrument. They are two obstacles faced during developing the products, namely, references sources and post-production.
Learning media has been developed using the ADDIE research model, learning media suitable for use, based on experts validation, learning media get a very interesting response from students, the author overcome the obstacles in making product by looking the various teaching references.
Based on the analysis results, this research revealed four findings. First is the process of developing flashcards. The process was developed in six steps from ten steps because it was adapted to the conditions in the field. Second, the study results indicated that flashcard media is feasible to use. Three experts' validation supports these flashcards with a final result of 94.04% in the (very …
Depeloving vocabularry material using narpood application in junior high school to relavant for learning process. Of student and the teacher.
Songs can help students learn better, and songs also have positive influence in students in learning english, especially in learning english vocabularry. Form songs students can get a lot of new vocabularry.