Many students have problems in speaking english ability. For that reason, one of techniques that could be apllied is running dictation technique. Running dictation is expected to be appropriate activity in which students could use their english ability and have opportunity to practice and develop their communication skills. This study aimed to examine how running dictation could improve student…
The objective of this study is to find out the implementation of picture series improving students ability in writing recount text. The research use classroom action research. The research result showed that with the implementation students are more enthusiatis and find ideas easily.
The objectives of this research is to find out the students skill in writing recount text by using picure series and to identify students' perception of teaching writing using picture series.
Penelitian ini berdasarkan pada keharusan siswa untuk memiliki ketrampilan dalam menulis, terutama dalam hal menulis cerpen. Dapat disimpulkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan sebelum dan sesudah menggunakan teknik picture ini.
Writing is the result of organizing the thoughts embodied in writing. Writing is classified as the most difficult skills for foreign language learners, because in writing requires components to consider for writing. This researchg showed improvements in pre test and post test.
The reseach result showed that there was an improvement between pre test and post test.
Purpose of the study is to find out whether animation picture and pocket grammar guide can improve the students' ability especially on the descriptive paragraph writing. Based on the result, it can be conclude that using animation picture and pocket grammar guide can improve stduents' writing ability especially on descriptive paragraph.
The result showed that the students' writing skill enhanced in all writing aspects including generic structure, grammar, vocabulary and rel;evance. Based on observation and interview, it showed that the implementatiion of picture made the students' behaviour changed.