Penelitian menggunakan literature study, membandingkan dengan 2 skripsi yang memiliki judul relevan, penelitian menghasilkan hasil yang cukup memuaskan pada tes skala kecil
Conclusions of the research in three meetings in online classroom to teaching writing descriptive text using whtasapp group was running well and the situation was more conductive from the first meeting until the last meeting
Null hypothesis in this research was accepted, since there is no significand difference between the student in the class experimental and in the class control
Dengan menggunakan model AIR dapat meningkatkan keterampilan menyimak.
According to the result, it was found that the implementation of teaching reading of narrative text using pair check strategy can help student reading skill
Penggunaan model pembelajaran Think Pair Share dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis ips dibandingkan menggunakan pembelajaran konvensional.