The flashcard were developed using RnD model by Borg&Gall, The result of validation sheets showed that thr product was valid, the result of students responses showed that the product is on a very good" category."
The summary of this research is about developing learning module descriptive text to help students and english teacher in learning speaking descriptive text through project based learning
The scenario and implementation of teaching writing descriptive text using scientific approach with realia through google hangout was running well, because responses students received positive responses
The learning media in the form of a descriptive text module has a feasibility of 87.96%, it means that the learning media is very valid to use
The result of validation is 92%. The criteria is very feasible. The teacher response calculated 90 % and students response calculated 83,135 which was categorized as very good
The developing teaching materials of descriptive text would help the students in writing english especially descriptive text, because it made the students interested and motivated in learning
The research findings reveal that the process of developing product ran in accordance with R&D design, the product categorized decent in product feasibility. the product has been validated by first expert with 86%, 92% from second expert, 93% from proctionaire with a very valid criteria and can be used without revision criteria. Therefore this research recomended for english teacehr to teaching…
The process of developing the product follow the development stages of puslitjaknov team consist of 5 stages, The feasibility of the product categorized as very valid", the product categorize as "very good" based on students & teacher"
Developing using canva program helped with the enpation, the feasibility of interactive laerning media based on students worksheets is feasible""
The process of picture media development has conducted in designing text, pictures, printing, and finishing. The feasibility test on picture media was carried out by validator I and validator II. Teacher's and students responses have been carried out using a questionnaire instrument. They are two obstacles faced during developing the products, namely, references sources and post-production.