The aplication of scenarios during the learning process is following the objective of the research
Multimedia interactive developed receive well and motivated students to learn descriptive text
Penelitian ini menghasilkan modul recount text berbasis scientific approach untuk kelas 10th dengan validasi layak berdasarkan penilaian para ahli
Observation validation: 1. good 82,66%, 2. good: 86,66%, 3. good: 89,33% questioner: 75,55% - 80%
In this pandemic, teaching-learning should facilitate students using appropriate models in the classroom, Scientific approach is one of models rnthat can be implemented. The purpose of the research were to describe: 1) the scenario and implementation of Scientific approach in teaching writing rnrecount text, 2) the teacher’s and students’ responses toward teachinglearning process…
Tanggapan siswa terhadap skenario dan implementasi pengajaran membaca teks naratif menggunakan pendekatan ilmiah melalui penceritaan digital dapat membuat siswa tertarik, termotivasi, dan aktif dalam belajar teks naratif. Sementara itu, kuisioner menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar siswa memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap pembelajaran teks naratif bahwa mendongeng digital dapat membantu mereka …
The implementation received positive response from teacher and students. The students difficulties are chosing the right words or vocabulary bad signal. This method and media are suitable but not all students are active.
The song can help students in learning vocabulary. Teacher and students response were positive . The lack of students responses an unstable internet connection, the time was too short, pronounciation of words.
using scientific approach through picture could be recomended as one alternative language learning that could be used by english teacher especially in writing class
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode scientific approach dan d-sekolah sebagai LMS selama pembelajaran daring. hasilnya siswa merasa selama proses pembelajaran menggunakan d-sekolah dapat membantu proses dan mengembangkan pemahaman siswa