The main objective of this study is to find out whether using guessing game can improve the students vocabulary or not. The research method is quantitative research. Therefore, teaching vocabulary using guessing games technique can improve students vocabulary. Finally the wrier suggest to the teachers that they should used guessing games as one of the technique in the teaching english vocab…
The research result showed that students who used the learning method showed better result than usual conventional learning method
The result of this research shows that there is an improvement in vocabulary mastery. It can be seen from the result of observation and interview.; Therefore flipchute is effective to improve students' vocabulary that it should be collaborated by interesting method / technique.
This study is conducted in order to develop students' vocabulary and it aims to clarify the implementation of the use crossword puzzle in teaching vocabulary and to know the students' responses towards the implementation of crossword puzzle in teaching vocabulary. The result showed that the students had some improvement.
People already know that english is an international language which is ued to communicate each oter with people in the entire world. The objective of this research is to find out how the use of flashcard improves students vocabulary mastery. The result of this research is the students are interested to learn vocabulary through flashcard.
Deaf students have problems that resulted in the auditory aspects of language in one vocabulary to communicate.The condition is the impact of the acquired language intake thus causing difficulty in communicating both Indonesian dan foreign languages. Teaching vocabulary to the hearing impairment students is not the same as teaching normal students. Teacher has to be more creative in planning an…
Vocabulary is important in learning to speak English, many students learn english but have a disadvantage in the vocabulary as basis in learning English. One way to studying vocabulary is by using song. The research showed that using song is effective and hypothesis is accepted.
This condition support the teacher to make same appropriate learning material and good technique to improve their vocabulary acquisition. The main objective of this research used classroom action technique .
Vocabulary is important in learning to speak English. Many students learn English but have a disadvantage in the vocabulary that is the basis of learning English properly. There are many ways to increase the quota of the vocabulary of English, such as reading, writing, speaking, listening and using wordwall media. Research showed that there is significant difference between pre test and post te…
Vocabulary is the foundation of language. This research attempts to find out whether flash card can be improve students. The research using classroom action research and this result of the research can improved students in learning vocabulary using flashcard