The result showed that the students' writing skill enhanced in all writing aspects including generic structure, grammar, vocabulary and rel;evance. Based on observation and interview, it showed that the implementatiion of picture made the students' behaviour changed.
The objective of this research is to improve students' writing ability in writing recount text by using picture series. The researcher use qualitative method.
The objectives of this research paper were to reveal the types and causes students made such errors in writing recount text
The research result showed good significant result from the method/learning strategic that has been applied
Teaching writing collaborative and mind mapping can improve students' writing skill
The minimal masking feedback improve students' writing ability
Hasil dari penelitian tersebut, penerapan teknik pembelajaran menggunakan personal photograph mampu meningkatkan kemampuan menulis recount pada siswa
There is effectiveness in teaching writing reconat text tesing photo story.
Project-Based learning with instagram can help students to increase their writing descriptive text.
There is asignifican improvment in teaching writing dscriptive text through padlet at junior high school Grade VIII.