The positive response from the teacher that this the research is succesful and from the students they feel happy active motivated and interesting during the learning process
The scenario and the implementation of teaching reading narrative text was running well also recive positive response. Student's difficulties where understanding the purpose of the text and location reference, while teacher was on technicall issue.
Based on the research findings and discussions there are four aspect which covered ; process of developing listening materials, feasibility, students responses to ward the product and the obstacles in developing product
The implementation scenario in teaching writing descriptiv etext using genre based approach, Is run well. The teachers and students response are positive response or fell in to the category. the students difficulties in writing descriptive text, as the result in grammar and mechanic. and teacher obstacle and studentd low bandwidth.
Penelitian ini menggunkannRND method dengan subjek kelas 11 SMA dan menghasilkan sebuah modul yang sudah divalidasi dengan hasil valid criteria dan mendapatkan respon positive dari guru dan siswa dengan kategori Strongly Agree"."
Penelitian menunjukan hasil positive, dengan mengembangkan sebuah modul pembelajaran dalam menulis teks descriptive yang disusun dengan menggunakan pendekatan Genre-Based-Approach mendapatkan kelayakan yang sangat baik dan mendapatkan respon yang baik pula dari guru dan siswa.
Dalam pandemi Covid-19 saya menyimpulkan bahwa siswa-siswi tidak 100% bisa memahami ajaran yang diberikan melalui handphone / whatsapp. MAka dari itu guru wajib memberikan semangat agar siswa-siswi selalu mau belajar.
Penelitian yang menggunakan reseach dan depelovment, yang mengembangkan lembar kerja siswa dalam pembelajaran menlis recount text dengan memperhatikan simple present tense.
This research received good responses from the teacher and the students. The category of those result were good and worth to use
Penelitian ini, dan juga produk yaitu Students Worksheet" dapat digunakan di sekolah untuk proses belajar mengajar dan dapat menjadi referensi bagi peneliti lain"