- Storiteling using picture series effects vely enhances students speaking skills.rn- The students enjoyed having picture series in their speaking aktivity because it presented a variety of enggangi pictures.rn- There are 4 absocles that student face in speaking englis lack of vocbularym,prononciation,gramer and confidence.
This research was aimed to identify; (1) The implementation of teaching writing skill in recount text using picture series, (2) Teacher and students responses toward the implementation of the teaching writing skill in recount text using picture series method, and (3) Students difficulties in learning writing recount using picture series method. In compiling this research, researcher used descri…
The result of validation the media and learning material that have geen developed are 75,5 % and 95% it is include very good and category. the percentage from the questionnaire in very good" rating"
Teaching module using problem based learning and assisted by words search game with pictures
In tue development of descriptive text of food pictures workbook using the research method and development borg and gall (1983) into 8 steps. This the product was valid and feasible to use for small and large scale trial in school in 100%, very feasible to used in learning english
The conclusion of this research overall, based on the average score of assesment from media experts, material experts, teacher, and responses from students and teacher, it can be concluded that this product is feasible and acceptable.
Process of developing narrative text material using PBL through picture series using the stages of borg and gall which was pred by sugiyono. By carrying out all these process, it can be concluded that the development of narrative text material using PBL through picture series it going well
The process of picture media development has conducted in designing text, pictures, printing, and finishing. The feasibility test on picture media was carried out by validator I and validator II. Teacher's and students responses have been carried out using a questionnaire instrument. They are two obstacles faced during developing the products, namely, references sources and post-production.
From the result of the implementation of GBA using pictures that was applied in accordance with the scenario created, the students responses show that they were enthusiastic, in terms of difficulties most of them had problems with grammar, the obstacles by teacher in teaching learning process include imitation of using whatsapp in controlling and monitoring students.
This research using R&D method. the conclusion is the process developing, the feasibilitis of descriptive text material, the response from validator & obstacle