Teaching writing using diaro application was helpful to the student in writing analytical exposition text and made the student interested in teaching-learning process
Hasil akhir berupa produk worksheet descriptive text untuk kelas X.
Penelitian ini diimplementasikan dikelas VII MTSN 2 Bandung Barat. Dari hasil penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa mengajar bicara teks recount menggunakan scientific approach melalui whatsapp group berjalan denganlancar dan dapat membantu siswa berbicara bahasa inggris.
Berdasarkan penelitian, sang peneliti menyarankan bahwa teaching readingnarrative text using scientific approach through whatsapp, dapat digunakan oleh peneliti selanjutnya. Agar para siswa dapat lebih memahami teks narasi dan lebih tertarik dalam membaca.
There is difference in teaching reading descriptive text using CLA with TPS technique and SA to the 8th grade students of SMPN 38 Bandung
The limited field test acquired percentage score result in the amount of 87.14% furthermore, the main field test achieved the percentage score result in the amount of 82%, the score turned the developmental product to be very practical and appropriate product. In conclusion the result well defined that the product is able to developed student vocabulary effectively for respondingly, it reduced …