Base on date explained in the previous chapter the implementation of teaching writing procedure text using discovery learning, youtube.
Metode estafet writing efektif digunakan sebagai metode pemeblajaran Menulis teks cerpen.
This research objectives are to describe the process, the feasibility, and students and teachers respond towards E-Module assisted by Flip PDF Professional. This research method is Research and Developemnt (R&D) in which adapted from Borg and Gall. The results of this research were analyzed qualitatively. This research was conducted in one of junior high school in West Bandung Regency involving…
The result showed that the implementation was inline with the scenario that has been designed by teacher. The students even ahd positive response and could increase students motivation. It also student confidence and created interactive learning atmosfer.
Teaching materials for learning to write functional text with the help of canva media that has been developed using teeaddie, Teaching materials obtained from material expert and scored from media expects with very good interpcetation criteria.
Based on the result of this research, the researcher can draw some conclusion, which are describe as develop by borg and gall, find out the respon from teacher and student, obstacle in the media
This research applied genre based approach to the nineth grade students in learning of writing narrative text this class conected of 24. Students at MTSN 2 Cianjur student response were positive to ward thid method student hard permastery of vocabulary tenses and grammar
E-module using flipbook maker was developed using ADDIE Model by Dick & Carey, The average percentage of validation result by expect was 92%, Students responses to e-modeule obtained average of 89%
The flashcard were developed using RnD model by Borg&Gall, The result of validation sheets showed that thr product was valid, the result of students responses showed that the product is on a very good" category."
The scenario and implementation of teaching writing descriptive text using scientific approach with realia through google hangout was running well, because responses students received positive responses