The results of this study indicated that the media developed process was going quite well, as shown in the average acquisition of the validation results, which shows that it was in the feasible category. Moreover, positive responses were obtained using flashcards based on the questionnaire of teachers' and students' responses in the preliminary field test and the main field test. Meanwhile, the…
The resolts of this indocate that using whattsap to learning is rebtively easy during the learning process, whatsapp is considered less effective as an intermediary media for online learning during this pandemic, student's have difficuties in regarding using whatsapp, teacher's difficlty to increase the students enthusiasm.
The result of validation the media and learning material that have geen developed are 75,5 % and 95% it is include very good and category. the percentage from the questionnaire in very good" rating"
The result of the research show that the implementation of scenario was done well, although there were severd stages in discovery learning that were not in accordance with the scenarion when implemented
The result showed that the average store of the students was 82 while the KKM just 70. It could be seen from the implementation performed in accordance with the scenario and that it could help students in learning material effectively.
Based on the result and discussion, this research concluded for conclusions as follow; The researches used a google form to teach reading by using graphic organizer. The majority of the students that responded to the questionnaire offered good comments.
Research procedure which has been simplified into six steps interactive story slide obtained very good" criteria. the everage score of students responses obtained "good" criteria, which means students responses was positive. There are three obstacles that faced by the researcher namely, technical trumble, in balance students knowledge insufficient oractice time"
Pop up digital based media was developed using ADDIE model, research method is R&D. Get the result from validation 85%, from student response 79%, and from teacher response 86%
The research findings reveal that the process of developing product ran in accordance with R&D design, the product categorized decent in product feasibility. the product has been validated by first expert with 86%, 92% from second expert, 93% from proctionaire with a very valid criteria and can be used without revision criteria. Therefore this research recomended for english teacehr to teaching…
The teacher can use whatsapp in online classroom especially teaching reading. And the teacher have a technical preparation and innovative media