The result of validation is 92%. The criteria is very feasible. The teacher response calculated 90 % and students response calculated 83,135 which was categorized as very good
Based on obstacles that the researcher found was limited time and the schedule that was owned by the researcher was very limited and the learning media provided by the teacher to the students were limited
The scenario used in this learning process in a scenario that is how is the implementation of teaching scenario in teaching writing narrative text using contextual approach through whatsapp. Students are more active and enthusiastic in learning.
The process of developing the product follow the development stages of puslitjaknov team consist of 5 stages, The feasibility of the product categorized as very valid", the product categorize as "very good" based on students & teacher"
The result of the research indicated that the scenario has been successfully implemented. based on the questionnaire, the implementation of this method and media received positive response from the teacher and student. The media made students more interested and motivated to learn. The students also could understand the materials easily
From the result of the implementation of GBA using pictures that was applied in accordance with the scenario created, the students responses show that they were enthusiastic, in terms of difficulties most of them had problems with grammar, the obstacles by teacher in teaching learning process include imitation of using whatsapp in controlling and monitoring students.
The rsesearch teaching writing personal letter using google document can be beneficial for students and teacher, the obstacle found at supportive domain with dealt with internet quota and bad signal
Conclusions of the research in three meetings in online classroom to teaching writing descriptive text using whtasapp group was running well and the situation was more conductive from the first meeting until the last meeting
The results showed that the process of developing recount text using comic page creator with g stage Borg and Gall (1983) was succesfullly. Carried out and resulted in a product as a recont text learning module
The positive response from the teacher that this the research is succesful and from the students they feel happy active motivated and interesting during the learning process