Developing descriptive text module very feasible and can use in learning process
The result show that developing the descriptive text material using project based learning through vlog in teaching speaking for junior high schooll
As a result, this suggest that english teacher teach reading skills using discovery learning approach combined media to assist students in reading english
The results showed that the implementation of developing descriptive text using wordwall in reading comprehension was feasible to use without any revision
The developing of the e-module descriptive text is good product because it can help students understands and be enthusiastic about learning writing descriptive text
Media podcast layak dikembangkan dan digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran speaking kelas VII SMP. Media ini juga mendapatkan respon poaitif dari siswa dan guru
Picture can stimulate student skill especially in writing descriptive text
Partner reading strategy in this reseach can help students in learning reading descriptive text. In other words partner reading strategy can improve students reading comprehendion achievements.
As a result, the Spin Wheel media can pique students interest in creating descriptive text. The validation result carried out by validator I and validator II obtained percentage 95,5%. Teacher and students responses with the very good category. The researcher find out the obstacles during developing product.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode descriptive text qualitative. Hasil dari penelitian ini adalah implementasi skenario mendaoat respon yang baik. Siswa memiliki motivasi, memiliki semangat dalam setiap proses pembelajaran, dapat mengikuti pembelajaran dengan baik, mulai berani dan percaya diri untuk mengemukakan pendapat dan gambaran dapat mempermudah dalam menulis teks deskriptif. Namun, siswa…