The implementation scenario in teaching writing descriptiv etext using genre based approach, Is run well. The teachers and students response are positive response or fell in to the category. the students difficulties in writing descriptive text, as the result in grammar and mechanic. and teacher obstacle and studentd low bandwidth.
This Reseach was developed the new one learning media namely DIA (Detext Interactive Application), Which got the media is very valid and worth to apply at school by the students
Penelitian menunjukan hasil positive, dengan mengembangkan sebuah modul pembelajaran dalam menulis teks descriptive yang disusun dengan menggunakan pendekatan Genre-Based-Approach mendapatkan kelayakan yang sangat baik dan mendapatkan respon yang baik pula dari guru dan siswa.
Media pull line tool to teach recount text help the students for learning writing skills
This research received good responses from the teacher and the students. The category of those result were good and worth to use
It can be concluded as whole that the product made by researcher can be used and can be an alternative teaching writing learning media
The process and result of developing the media went smoothty get the score is 84,5% from validation and the responses from the students mostly positive however researcher get the obstacles when making product
Null hypothesis in this research was accepted, since there is no significand difference between the student in the class experimental and in the class control
Based on the result the media is feasible and interesting for students which means the teaching materials of this workbook are good to use
WhatsApp group cloud increase their motivation and learning writing skills. However, there are some difficulties face the teacher