This research using R&D method. the conclusion is the process developing, the feasibilitis of descriptive text material, the response from validator & obstacle
It can be concluded as whole that the product made by researcher can be used and can be an alternative teaching writing learning media
The research method used is R&D. The results showed good category with 98,57%. The responses of teacher and students is good category. The challenges is limited time and the internet
This research received good responses and the workbook is effective to help teachers in teaching writing
Hasil penelitian ini adalah modul pembelajaran menulis procedure text dengan diintregasikan oleh problem based learning model yang dapat digunakan jenjang SMA
This study aim to develop a workbook through the canva application for junior high school
The module feasible to be used
Adanya peningkatan pada pemahaman konsep bangun ruang pada siswa kelas V SD dengan menggunakan media pembelajaran dengan model pembelajaran NHT berbantuan aplikasi Canva
The developing of the e-module descriptive text is good product because it can help students understands and be enthusiastic about learning writing descriptive text
Proses pengembangan bahan ajar terlaksana dengan baik dan produk layak digunakan.