This research applied genre based approach to the nineth grade students in learning of writing narrative text this class conected of 24. Students at MTSN 2 Cianjur student response were positive to ward thid method student hard permastery of vocabulary tenses and grammar
The implementation scenario in teaching writing descriptiv etext using genre based approach, Is run well. The teachers and students response are positive response or fell in to the category. the students difficulties in writing descriptive text, as the result in grammar and mechanic. and teacher obstacle and studentd low bandwidth.
The result of the research was concluded that the product feasible and can fasilitate both teachers and students in the learning process of writing descriptive text
The implementation of GBA in teaching writing procedure text using Whatsapp in online leraning could be an alternative to make students more active and critical
Using genre based approach the student showed that the their much better in english, especially in writing descriptive text. based on Student test
- Proses pengembangan bahan ajar sesuai dengan prosedur R&D oleh borg and gall (2023)rn- Kelayakan bahan ajar terkategori sebagai Valid" dengan nilai 100% dari dua ahlirn- respon siswa dan guru sangat baik dan menjadi bahan revisi bahan ajar rn- penyesuaian jadwal dan permasalahan teknis adalh hambatan penelitian ini."