The scenario and implementation of teaching writing descriptive text using scientific approach with realia through google hangout was running well, because responses students received positive responses
The use audiovisual media is quite effective because both teachers and students agree that this media is very appropriate to be used.
The rsesearch teaching writing personal letter using google document can be beneficial for students and teacher, the obstacle found at supportive domain with dealt with internet quota and bad signal
Belajar speaking bahasa inggris menggunakan google drive bisa di implementasikan dengan baik berdasarkan skenario pembelajaran. Murid menunjukan respons positif dari pembelajaran, dilihat dari tercapainya kriteria pembelajaran yang dibuat oleh muhlisin (2018).
Based on the data analysis in teaching writing procedure text through google meet it concluded that the scenario and implementation running well. Teacher and students has good responses, and several indications of students difficulties, teachers obstacle
Research in teaching vocabulary ny using PVN technique there is significant difference