Penggunaan bahan ajar teks deskripi menggunakan problem based learning berbantuan aplikasi canva terhadap kemampuan menulis siswa smp kelas vii sangat membantu peserta didik untuk memahami dan membuat teks deskripsi
Penggunaan model picture and picture sangat efektif digunakan pada materi karangan deskripsi karena penggunaan model ini menghasilkan peningkatan yang signifikan
Model problem based learning terbukti dapat meningkatkan kemampuan pemahaman konsep IPS Siswa kelas IV SD, nilai rat-rata hasil pretest adalah 54,9 lalu meningkat menjadi 81,2 pada hasil posttest
This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative method. The subject of this research were 20 students of eight grade were observation, questionnaire, interview, and test the scenario and the implementation of teaching writing narrative text using video clips thorugh telegram.
The aplication of scenarios during the learning process is following the objective of the research
The result of this research showed that there are 10 steps in doing this research, the product was eligible to use, the students respond was positive and the obstacles were had to determine meetings with the students
Comic strips is effective in improring student's reading comprehension of narrative text. On the other hand, some student's got problem using comic strips when the story 13 foreign and when the pictures are ambiguous.
Penelitian ini dilakukan menggunakan langkah-langkah Borg and Gall. Pengumpulan data yang digunakan adalah catatan lapangan lembar validasi dan angket