This research conduded that the use of cartoon film was really heleful in improung writing skills
The ho of this research was rejected, in other words, wattpad application has significant influence fo improve students ability in writing narative text
V-distionary Efektif Digunakan sebagai media pembelajaran pronuncation
The use of reeprocal reaching satregy assisted by learning media kahoot" can improve Reading coperhensron skills of narative text material .THB B based o the results of the normality test, t-test, n-gam."
The result was found that the implementation of story map technique in teaching reading narrative text through online learning was good, in other word motivated the students to become actives. The responses of the students was excited. Most students had a positive responses on teaching reading narrative text using story map technique, students had difficulties in teaching reading because of the…
The result of the research show that the implementation of scenario was done well, although there were severd stages in discovery learning that were not in accordance with the scenarion when implemented
This research applied genre based approach to the nineth grade students in learning of writing narrative text this class conected of 24. Students at MTSN 2 Cianjur student response were positive to ward thid method student hard permastery of vocabulary tenses and grammar
The result showed that the average store of the students was 82 while the KKM just 70. It could be seen from the implementation performed in accordance with the scenario and that it could help students in learning material effectively.
To identify process of developing material with ADDIE design, students response about the product very suitable, & have obstacle in analysis & developing stage
This research was conducted using descriptive qualitative method. The subject of this research were 20 students of eight grade were observation, questionnaire, interview, and test the scenario and the implementation of teaching writing narrative text using video clips thorugh telegram.