The implementation of hamburger strategy assisted by padlet is well implemented. meanwhile the malority of obstacles experienced by students are ther confiolence, difficalty finding inspiration and lack of understanding of recount text writing, this, the implementation of hamburger strategy is considered effective ( the value of sig c2, teuled )
There is asignifican improvment in teaching writing dscriptive text through padlet at junior high school Grade VIII.
The implementation scenario in teaching writing descriptiv etext using genre based approach, Is run well. The teachers and students response are positive response or fell in to the category. the students difficulties in writing descriptive text, as the result in grammar and mechanic. and teacher obstacle and studentd low bandwidth.
The process and result of developing the media went smoothty get the score is 84,5% from validation and the responses from the students mostly positive however researcher get the obstacles when making product
The result of the research was concluded that the product feasible and can fasilitate both teachers and students in the learning process of writing descriptive text
1. The implementation of padlet in writing recount text was carried out well.rn2. The students gave positive responses based on the interview result .rn3. The students got difficulties in using the right and grammar in english.
The researcher reached the results: the student participated and paid attention by doing the researchers instruction based on the scenario and lesson plans on that day. As much as 83,64% of 33 students gave good responses that refer to questionnaire of writing procedure text through Padlet based on the students respons category.
Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif kualitatif. Hasil dari penelitian ini menunjukan bahwa skenario dan implementasi telah sesuai pada setiap pertemuannya dengan yang tertuang pada RPP. Respon siswa dan guru dikategorikan baik. Kesulitan yang dihadapi siswa yaitu koneksi internet yang tidak stabil yang menyebabkan terlambatnya respon siswa. Sementara itu, tidak ada kendala yang dihadap…
Teacher and students showed positive responses, however students still find difficulty in provivding internet credit. in addition the researcher gave the question based on writing aspect. most of them difficult in grammar.