The results of this research have two phases that is quantitative phase and qualitative phase. The quantitative phase findir dor the effectiveness in using demonstration techniques to increase the students ability in speaking procedure text. In the qualitative phase, by giving observation sheet and field notes to measure the implementation process of using demonstration technique to improve spe…
The quantitative result of pretest ang postest showed a significan nomality. 0,165 for pretest and 0,270 of postest significan homogeinity 0,164 ang paired simple t-test show 0,000. The implementation has been going well. teacher has no obstacle in media, facilities, cost and tools. Some student have difficulty in mastering vocabularry, rearranging sentences, finding imagination.
Base on date explained in the previous chapter the implementation of teaching writing procedure text using discovery learning, youtube.
The use of kinemaster application in teaching reading using a scientific approach at junior high school received a good response. although the implementation of the scenario did not run well.
Modul prodecure text sangat berguna dan diperlukan sebagai salah satu media penunjang pembelajaran di kelas agar siswa lebih mudah memahami
The positive response from the teacher that this the research is succesful and from the students they feel happy active motivated and interesting during the learning process
Dalam pandemi Covid-19 saya menyimpulkan bahwa siswa-siswi tidak 100% bisa memahami ajaran yang diberikan melalui handphone / whatsapp. MAka dari itu guru wajib memberikan semangat agar siswa-siswi selalu mau belajar.
With research using the discovery learning method during a pandemic, making learning solutions effective and easy for students to understand
Based on the data analysis in teaching writing procedure text through google meet it concluded that the scenario and implementation running well. Teacher and students has good responses, and several indications of students difficulties, teachers obstacle
The researcher reached the results: the student participated and paid attention by doing the researchers instruction based on the scenario and lesson plans on that day. As much as 83,64% of 33 students gave good responses that refer to questionnaire of writing procedure text through Padlet based on the students respons category.