Hasil dari penggunaan quizziz pada pendidikan kesehatan dapat dikatakan cukup efektif
Proses pengembangan media pembelajaran sudah sesuai dengfan metode yang telah di tentukan, dan menghasilkan produk media yang layak dan sangat praktis, ke efektifan produk berada ada kategori efektif" kendala pada proses penelitian bersipat sederhana dan dapat di atasi."
Workbook strongly suitable for use in teaching and learning process also get positive responses
This study focus on how narrative text narrative text material assisted by Quizziz are develop for vocational school. The objective this study was to describe how develop narrative text assisted by Quizziz in vocabulary use borg & gall (1983) the subject 15 student and 30 student.
This research is done in order to develop material on reading recount text assisted by quizziz. The Product can facilitate teacher in teaching reading and quizziz is effective
The implementation of tecaching vocabulary using Quizziz through Whatsapp was completed followed each meeting. The teacher and students positive responses in using quizziz through whatsapp to teaching vocabulary. The students feel difficult to organize remembering their vocabulary and signal from the internet that are not got. The teacher obstacle, namely limited internet signal and quotes, som…