The result of the research show that the implementation of scenario was done well, although there were severd stages in discovery learning that were not in accordance with the scenarion when implemented
The implementation of the scenario are run well. The students and teacher responses are good. The students difficulties are vocabularies and grammar. The teacher's obstacles are unstable internet connection
Observation validation: 1. good 82,66%, 2. good: 86,66%, 3. good: 89,33% questioner: 75,55% - 80%
Comic strips is effective in improring student's reading comprehension of narrative text. On the other hand, some student's got problem using comic strips when the story 13 foreign and when the pictures are ambiguous.
Partner reading strategy in this reseach can help students in learning reading descriptive text. In other words partner reading strategy can improve students reading comprehendion achievements.
The use of project based learning for teaching reading comprehension for eleventh grade students is effective.
The media could help student and teacher easier in online learning
Mengajarkan siswa tentang pembelajaran reading menggunakan media gambar pada siswa kelas VII dengan pendekatan discovery.
Discovery learning through whatsapp membantu siswa dalam memahami pembelajaran dan memotivasi siswa dalam membaca
Herringbone Technique/Teknik Yang Menggunakan Unsur 5W 1H Untuk Mencari Ide Pokok Dalam Suatu Teks.