The objective of the research entitled “Improving Students’ Ability in WritingrnDescriptive Text Using Clustering Technique†is to know whether Clusteringrntechnique can improve students’ ability in writing descriptive text. This researchrnfocused on the implementation of students’ achievement on writing descriptiverntext using Clustering technique. The writer u…
1. Proses pengembangan instrumen tes diagnostik dilaksanakan sesuai metode design research.rn2. Instrumen tes diagnostik layak digunakan menurut para ahli.rn3. Instrumen tes diagnostik yang dikembangan efektif dapat mengindentifikasi miskonsepsi materi perbandingan siswa SMP.
The developing word chain game for students vocabulary mastery has a positive influence. And also, students felt that using word chain game in the classroom was very helpful and motivate them to learn english
Observation validation: 1,85%, 2. 85% questionnare: 83,6% product very valid category
Poster is an image that combinasi visual elements that attrack ettention effectively and can be used as learning media for students