Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan dan menganalisa bagaimana strategi yang dilakukan LKP dalam meningkatkan kemandirian melalui optimalisasi kemitraan blue ocean strategy.
Teaching reading narrative text using storyface strategy can improve students' comprehension in reading narrative text
The implementation of hamburger strategy assisted by padlet is well implemented. meanwhile the malority of obstacles experienced by students are ther confiolence, difficalty finding inspiration and lack of understanding of recount text writing, this, the implementation of hamburger strategy is considered effective ( the value of sig c2, teuled )
Partner reading strategy in this reseach can help students in learning reading descriptive text. In other words partner reading strategy can improve students reading comprehendion achievements.
From this research, it can be concluded that Think Talk Write is effectively used as a writing learning strategy. Think Talk write learning strategy can improve students writing ability
Feasibility of the media from three validators: Supervisor l & ll (80%), english teacher (89,62%) and totals average (83,20%) categorized very feasible. Students responses from prelimenary field testing (75,23%) and in main field testing (82%). Teacher response (85,33%) with categorized very good
According to the result, it was found that the implementation of teaching reading of narrative text using pair check strategy can help student reading skill
Penelitian pengembangan menggunakan handout dinyatakan layak dan dapat digunakan dalam pembelajaran.
Hasil dan penelitian ini pembelajaran menjadi lebih aktif, materi dan media yang digunakan layak dengan hasil 92,3%, dan respon yang diberikan oleh siswa juga baik. Dari segi uji coba terbatas maupun luas.
Changing and revising curriculum is absolute. Adaptation to world development is one of the reasons for discussion of the changing curriculum. The changing of curriculum from KTSP 2006 to curriculum 2013 changes the paradigm of good learning instruction related to system, principles, approach or the assessment form. Paradigm of learning instruction, that shifts from teacher-center to learner-ce…