The use of reeprocal reaching satregy assisted by learning media kahoot" can improve Reading coperhensron skills of narative text material .THB B based o the results of the normality test, t-test, n-gam."
The result showed that the average store of the students was 82 while the KKM just 70. It could be seen from the implementation performed in accordance with the scenario and that it could help students in learning material effectively.
The use of kinemaster application in teaching reading using a scientific approach at junior high school received a good response. although the implementation of the scenario did not run well.
This research got 90% positive response from the students. Students difficulties are lacking of vocabulary and students not interest in reading. Teacher difficulty in communicating via Whatsapp
As a result, this suggest that english teacher teach reading skills using discovery learning approach combined media to assist students in reading english
Tanggapan siswa terhadap skenario dan implementasi pengajaran membaca teks naratif menggunakan pendekatan ilmiah melalui penceritaan digital dapat membuat siswa tertarik, termotivasi, dan aktif dalam belajar teks naratif. Sementara itu, kuisioner menunjukan bahwa sebagian besar siswa memberikan tanggapan positif terhadap pembelajaran teks naratif bahwa mendongeng digital dapat membantu mereka …
Based on the result of the implementation and scenario research conducted in the 10th grade of vocational highschool Al Bantari Cianjur. The result of all meetings from the result of the test, there were five student got the highest score and, three student got the lowest score which was 71
The result of this study showed that the implementation was accordance with observation sheet and created by the researher
Penelitian/Skripsi ini bertujuan untuk membantu siswa belajar dan meningkatkan skill membaca dalam recount text. Skripsi ini menggunakan youtube sebagai media pembelajaran untuk menyampaikan materi. Guru dan siswa memberikan respons positif. Kesulitan siswa dalam memahami teks dan menggambarkan kesimpulan. Kesulitan guru dalam hal ini keterbatasan internet, namun hal ini dapat tetap dijalankan …
Berdasarkan penelitian, sang peneliti menyarankan bahwa teaching readingnarrative text using scientific approach through whatsapp, dapat digunakan oleh peneliti selanjutnya. Agar para siswa dapat lebih memahami teks narasi dan lebih tertarik dalam membaca.