Conclusion of this research that there was a significant improvement of scores that had been gotten by the students, treatment given to the stduents that an influence could improve students listening skill.
In teaching and learning process, the effective and interesting method is one of the ways to motivate students' to be involved in the activity.
The conclusion of the research is poster as visual aids was effective in teaching vocabulary, the students improve their vocabulary after learning vocabulary using poster
Edukasi pranikah dengan metode audio visual diberikan pada remaja di kec. padalarang diberikan pembekalan sebelum remaja melanjutkan pranikahan
Pengembangan media audio visual ini digunakan dalam materi teks persuasi agar pembelajaran menarik dan kreatif serta siswa lebih mudah memahami materi
Dari dua pertemuan proses pembelajaran menulis teks cerita pendek menggunakan metode think talk write berbantuan media audiovisual bisa dikatakan dengan nilai rata-rata guru dari dua pertemuan adalah 84% dan siswa dari dua pertemuan 87%