The resolts of this indocate that using whattsap to learning is rebtively easy during the learning process, whatsapp is considered less effective as an intermediary media for online learning during this pandemic, student's have difficuties in regarding using whatsapp, teacher's difficlty to increase the students enthusiasm.
The implementation of listening with suggestopedia had been going well , the response of teacher and student to listening with suggestopedia approach was good, student obstacles is about quotes and signal
The result showed that the average store of the students was 82 while the KKM just 70. It could be seen from the implementation performed in accordance with the scenario and that it could help students in learning material effectively.
However the online learning and teaching process was running well, the students face difficulties in the signal, there were two main difficulties faced by the student.
The scenario used in this learning process in a scenario that is how is the implementation of teaching scenario in teaching writing narrative text using contextual approach through whatsapp. Students are more active and enthusiastic in learning.
The result of the research indicated that the scenario has been successfully implemented. based on the questionnaire, the implementation of this method and media received positive response from the teacher and student. The media made students more interested and motivated to learn. The students also could understand the materials easily
The implementation of the scenario are run well. The students/ teachers are good. The students difficulties are vocabulary. The teacher obstacles internet connections
This research got 90% positive response from the students. Students difficulties are lacking of vocabulary and students not interest in reading. Teacher difficulty in communicating via Whatsapp