The implementation of listening with suggestopedia had been going well , the response of teacher and student to listening with suggestopedia approach was good, student obstacles is about quotes and signal
The result showed that the average store of the students was 82 while the KKM just 70. It could be seen from the implementation performed in accordance with the scenario and that it could help students in learning material effectively.
Conclusions of the research in three meetings in online classroom to teaching writing descriptive text using whtasapp group was running well and the situation was more conductive from the first meeting until the last meeting
The scenario and the implementation of teaching reading narrative text was running well also recive positive response. Student's difficulties where understanding the purpose of the text and location reference, while teacher was on technicall issue.
All the research question in this research can unser from result of the research
This research concluded that teaching vocabulary using acronym, acrostic, and keyword in mnemonic method through whatsapp group has been running well and has been running help students in learning vocabulary
Model pembeljaran discovery learning membantu siswa dalam memahami pembelajaran dan memotivasi siswa dalam menulis