Writing is the most difficult language skills students faced a lot of problems with. The objective of the research is to improve the students writing skill through english terms on TV advertisement. In conclusion, teaching writing through english terms on tv advertisement can improve students writing skill.
The objective of this research were to analyzed and to identify also classifty the english loanwords used in Pikiran Rakyat daily newspaper. Found there are 83 words types of loanwords.
The result of this research show that a song succeded in connecting the students in improving their vocabulary mastery.
Mendeskripsikan bagaimana kegiatan ekstrakurikuler english club dalam meningkatkan kecerdasan linguistik siswa.
The alternative hypothesis is english song can improve vocabulary mastery was accepted
Hasil penelitian terbukti efektif
- Storiteling using picture series effects vely enhances students speaking skills.rn- The students enjoyed having picture series in their speaking aktivity because it presented a variety of enggangi pictures.rn- There are 4 absocles that student face in speaking englis lack of vocbularym,prononciation,gramer and confidence.
The result of the research show that the implementation of scenario was done well, although there were severd stages in discovery learning that were not in accordance with the scenarion when implemented
Teaching module using problem based learning and assisted by words search game with pictures
Based on the results of this research, it concluded that developng english module on present continuous tense material through scientific learning assisted by anyflip could be useful for students and teacher in the learning process.