Pentingnya pola asuh orang tua dalam mengembangkan kemandirian anak pola asuh yang digunakan mayoritas pola asuh demokratis, yaitu orang tua memberikan kebebasan kepada anak-anak tetapi tetap mengawasi dan mengontrol anak.
layanan bimbingan belajar online teknk diskusi kelompok untuk meningkatkan self efecicany siswa dan guru menggunakan whatsapp untuk untuk tercapainya suatu layanan bimbingan dan mudah di pahami oleh siswa saat layanan online berlangsung
Pengembangan ini sesuai dengan langkah-langkah Borg and Gal. Produk yang dihasilkan sangat layak digunakan. Respon peserta didik memiliki kategori sangat baik. Kemampuan yang dimiliki peserta didik dalam menulis teks puisi rakyat sangat memuaskan
Pembelajaran Menulis Teks Cerpen Pada Siswa Kelas XI rnSMK Bina Insan Bangsa Dengan Menggunakan Metode Think Talk Write (Ttw) rnBerbantuan Media Video. Berdasarkan hasil observasi yang telah peneliti lakukan rndi SMK Bina Insan Bangsa, dalam pembelajaran menulis teks cerpen masih rnmenggunkan metode ceramah (kovensional) dan media yang digunakan dalam rnproses pembelajaran adalah media papan tu…
Science and technology continue to develop and bring about changes and new orders in various fields of human life, rnincluding the education system. The implication is that current learning practices must be oriented towards learning rnfollowing the demands of human competence in the 21st century. This study aims to obtain information about 21strncentury skills that are important to implement i…
This paper aims to study the implementation of moral teaching in this age of rnthe digital economy as a character education model at the elementary school level as an rneffort toward sustainable development. The research used a case study method, in a total rnof 10 elementary school teachers in SD Sukarno Hatta Kotabumi were interviewed, rnparticipated in the focused group discussion, and obser…
This research is a pre-post-test experiment that aims to examine the role of the problem-solving approach (PSA) and students' cognitive intelligence on mathematical creative thinking abilities (MCTA) and mathematical habits of mind (MHoM). This study involved 50 8th grade students. The instruments used were TOLT test, MCTA test, and MHoM scale. This research found that students at the age of 13…
This study aims to determine students' mathematical representation abilities. The research uses descriptive qualitative method. This ability is addressed after the students have answered five validated mathematical representation problems. The research subjects are 35 students of class VIII in one of State Junior High Schools in Bandung, West Java, Indonesia. The state junior high school is inc…
kelayakan pengembangan LKPD dinilai sangat valid, praktis dan efektif
Proses pengembangan produk dikategorikan sangat layak dan efektif dalam pembelajaran