The result of this research show that a song succeded in connecting the students in improving their vocabulary mastery.
This research is about the correlation between students' vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension. The objective of this research is to find out whether or not there is a significant correlation between students' vocabulary mastery and their reading comprehension.
In teaching and learning process, the effective and interesting method is one of the ways to motivate students' to be involved in the activity.
The objectives of this research are to find out whether teaching using words and pictures dominoes card matching game is able to improve students' vocabularies and to find out students responses towards the technique by using words and pictures. Method of this research was classroom action research.
The result of the research revealed that the teaching vocabulary using word wall can improve student's vocabulary mastery. Moreover the data from observation and interview show benefits such as helping students to remember, engaged to materials and improving reading comprehension. It can be concluded that the implementation of learning vocabulary using word wall can improve students vocabulary …
The alternative hypothesis is english song can improve vocabulary mastery was accepted
The conclusion of the research is poster as visual aids was effective in teaching vocabulary, the students improve their vocabulary after learning vocabulary using poster
The result of the research showed that Ho was rejected in other word mnemonic technique can improve students' vocabulary mastery
Teaching vocabulary using abravacabra technique is effective to improve students mastery vocabulary
Therefore null hypothesis was rejected and the alternative hypothesis was accepted, The last one sample t-test the result of the significance 2-tailed was 0,00 is smaller than 0,05